Bruna Leopércio

Project Coordinator @ LMMP/PUC-Rio
RD&I lab staff @ PUC-Rio for 10 Years
DSc. in Microencapsulation

Sergio Ribeiro

Team/Project Coordinator for 16 Years
RD&I @ Oil & Gas Industry for 12 Years
DSc. in Mechanical Engineering

Jorge Avendaño

Project Manager @ LMMP/PUC-Rio for 10 Years
Microfluidics expert
PhD. In Structures & Materials

Frederico Gomes

RD&I Manager @ LMMP/PUC-Rio
Researcher @ PUC-Rio for 23 Years
DSc. in Mechanical Engineering

Marcio Carvalho

Professor @ PUC-Rio for 25 Years
Lead Investigator @ LMMP/PUC-Rio
Research budget of US$ 2.7M/year

LMMP/PUC-Rio is a research and development group with more than 30 scientist, working on projects focused in microencapsulation, enhanced oil recovery, CCUS and thin film coating. The laboratory is funded by different industries from the energy and chemical sectors with an annual budget of approximatey US$ 2.5M.